God's Holy Day Plan: The Promise of Hope for All Mankind

Is it possible to know what the future holds for us? Our Creator does have a plan for us through an annual cycle of festivals described in the Bible.

The Gospel of the Kingdom

Learn more about the glorious future Jesus Christ will usher in at His return called the Kingdom of God and discover the truth behind this often misunderstood belief and concept.

Holidays or Holy Days: Does It Matter Which Days We Observe?

Why are today's supposedly Christian holidays observed with so many rituals and customs that are not sanctioned anywhere in the Bible?

The Beyond Today TV Program

The Beyond Today TV program offers practical ways to help you improve your life today while pointing to a bright hope for you, your family and all humanity tomorrow.

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Beyond Today Magazine | March-April 2024 Issue

Is This How We Live Forever? What Tech Doesn’t Fathom About the Spirit of the Human Mind

What is the secret of human consciousness and intellect? Is it purely materialistic—a matter of biochemical programming science can duplicate? Or is there a nonphysical, spiritual element in the mind? Is it what many call the soul—or something else? And what does it mean for life beyond death?

Know more by ordering your FREE copy today!

The Bible Study Course

Only one book gives us the answers to life's crucial questions: Why are we here? Where is the world headed? What does the future hold? Our eye opening 12-lesson Bible Study Course will make the Bible come alive as it leads you through the biblical answers to these and other questions!

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Feast of Unleavened Bread

April 23-29, 2024 (starts evening before)